About Assisi

Information about Assisi, the amazingly beautiful town of Assisi offers tourists tranquility and calmness. This is one of the most attractive destinations you can see in Umbria. Importantly, Assisi is the birthplace of San Francesco, patron saint of animals and ecology. The charm of this place attracts a large number of religious visitors and pilgrims, who arrive here every year, literally millions. Despite the surprising influx of tourists and the thriving tourism industry, the city of Assisi manages to successfully preserve its peaceful nature. The Piazza del Comune is very important for the life of Assisi. You can find the tourist information center in the center with countless cafes with outdoor tables, on the cobblestones.


Information about Assisi

As you get closer to Assisi, chances are you’ll see the town’s two medieval castles on the top of the hill. These fortresses are popular as both Forte Piccolo and Forte Grande. The Portico di Monte Frumentarium is a particularly impressive building with a series of stone arches. However, several exceptional parks and nature reserves are found around Assisi and some even feature ancient Roman remains.

The landmarks of Assisi are generally very historical and often religious in nature. Highlights include the Basilica of San Francisco, the Basilica of Santa Chiara, the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. You may also see the Cathedral of San Rufino (Duomo) and also the Tempio di Minerva. However, one of the biggest archaeological surprises in Assisi is actually under the Piazza del Comune.  Tourists can walk on the cobblestones and few will realize the history under their feet. It is presents the guise of the Roman Forum along a series of charming corridors.


There are many important museums reside in Assisi and contain many priceless religious and historical treasures information. The Cathedral Museum, the Basilica Museum and the Porziuncola are three of these attractions. The Civic Museum provides access to the Roman Forum and displays many relics from the Roman era. Those interested in art should consider visiting the Municipal Art Gallery in the Palazzo dei Priori on Via San Francesco. You may also explore the Treasury Museum and FM Perkins Collection in the San Francisco Basilica. Alternatively, you may be interested in the Capitolare del Duomo.

It is fair to say that Umbria is a very captivating part of Italy, with a lot to offer tourists on holiday in Assisi. If you have time, you should try some day trips or shorter excursions to nearby destinations such as the cities of Gubbio and Spello. If tourists are prepared then day trips to Florence, San Gimignano and even Rome are eminently possible and extremely enjoyable.